Who Was Suharto (5)

The point of the power conversion from Bung Karno to General Suharto was a change of Indonesia economy development principles, from the own-our-work principle became defended one. April 1996, Suharto retook Indonesia joining UN. After that, May 1966, Adam Malik announced that Indonesia re-cooperated with IMF. Thus, Bung Karno once rejected them by his famous words: “Go to hell with your aid!”

To keep the exploited Indonesian’s prosperity stability, Western countries planned Repelita. More than a half of Repelita budget (1969-1974) was obtained by foreign debts. “The amount was up to US$ 877 million in the end of the periode. In 1972, the gained foreign debts since 1966 was more than the budget of Soekarno government financial plans.” (M.C. Ricklefs; Sejarah Indonesia Modern, 1200-2004; Sept 2007).

Just in months after Suharto’s power, the tends of his government to enrich themselves was getting crazier. The people were sinking into the poverty while the officials were getting rich—though they always asked the people to live humble.

The students of university viewed this new government as a wrong system. Military was kept and used as a shield to store status-quo condition. People political power was eliminated by only allowing three political parties: Golkar, PPP, and PDI. “On February 1970, the government announced that all official servants should be loyal to the government. They were not allowed to join any other political party except Golkar.” Ricklefs stated.

The demonstration strictly held if from of Pangdam Siliwangi Building and West Java Governor Building, October 9th 1970, condemned the repressive soldiers deeds. 8 orders were conveyed: was Army immune of law? Why was uniform presumed capable? Were uniforms equal to train, cinema, bus, vehicle tickets? When would Army change? Who dared to preserve Army? Was there law guarantee for people? Had we been free from law authority? (Francois Raillon; Politik dan Ideologi Mahasiswa Indonesia 1966-1974; Des 1985).

Francis Raillon wrote, “During 1972-1973, there were power arrogation around Suharto between “US group” and “Japan group”. The first was consist of technocrat minister and amount of Generals, one of the was Pangkopkamtib Jend. Soemitro. The second group was led by President Personal Assistance, General Ali Moertopo ang General Soedjono Hoemardhani.”

Suharto was a smart and tricky boss. He used all the people around him to strengthen his position. When stepping Soekarno down, Suharto gathered military force, pro-capitalism technocrats, and religious mass organization—especially Islam, to strike communism. Yet after powering Indonesia, people were abandoned. Instead, he took Christian faction Pater Beek SJ and also CSIS where Ali Moertopo was the leader, and then in 1980’s, General Leonardus Benny Moerdhani emerged as Islamophobia central figure in Indonesia.

Fully supported specially by military, there was a price that had to be paid by Suharto; partitioning the corruption, collusion, and nepotism to his officials. Thus civil power had no mean at all. Whoever was opposite with him would be labeled as Anti-Pancasila. During 1970-1980’s, no harmful civil force emerged against Suharto. The memory of mass massacre done by Suharto’s soldiers in the end of 1965 until 1966 created a self-terror in the people’s mind.

Nation and character building shaped by the founders of this republic were secondly demolished by Suharto and replaced by Exploitation de L’homee par L’homee, the exploitation done by rulers to the people.

The black record of Suharto was not only these. In existing the human rights, for instance, New Order regime was famously known as a military-fascist, just as Germany under Hitler, Italia on Mussolini, Cambodia with Polpot, and Chile under Augusto Pinochet. This was determined by French Indonesian expert, Francois Raillon.

Ricklefs, Australian historian, stated if the set of human rights in Suharto era was merely worse than in Holland’s. “New Order did more punishment then Holland occupation. New Order allowed torturing to the political prisoners. The economic, politic, administrative, and military central were in the hands of number of elites.” Ricklefs verified. (continued)