When Habibie replaced Suharto and went to Aceh, Bantaqiah was then freed. Yet, this did not fit in some Suharto’s soldiers . For them, Bantaqiah was also the same as armed-gun Aceh groups that rejected Pancasila, so that his existence should be erased.
Who Was Suharto? (7)
Besides taking all Aceh’s resources, Suharto also conducted Aceh Muslim genocide, and the most famous was DOM or Red Web Operation (Operasi Jaring Merah, 1989-1998). Many DOM experts agreed that the brutality done in Aceh was also the same as what Serbia Militia did to Bosnian Muslims in 1990’s. The wide NAD was only a mass burial of its people. The Aceh Muslims who lived in Islam’s dignity for years had been insulted by Suharto.
Who was Suharto? (6)
Human rights crime of Suharto was started from the most east region of Indonesia; Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). The crime to Aceh’s Muslim People was originated by VOC of Nederland, extended by Soekarno’s Old Order, and cruelly mastered in Suharto’s era. In the period of Suharto, NAD whose role in grasping and defending the RI Independence—mostly financially so that NAD is called “RI Money Vault”—was even turned to be the shotgun field namely Daerah Operasi Militer (DOM), 1989-1998.
Who Was Suharto (5)
The New Order seeds grew on the blood and tear slices of Indonesian people. The development aim (Repelita) was designed as what Washington wished and preceded exploited Indonesian’s resource prosperities. It was all taken to dignify the Western countries.
Who Was Suharto (4)
On March 1967, General Suharto was appointed to be The 2nd Indonesian President. Three months then, he formed Presidential Economy Experts Team consist of Prof Dr. Widjojo Nitisastro, Prof. Dr. Ali Wardhana, Prof Dr. Moh. Sadli, Prof Dr. Soemitro Djojohadikusumo, Prof Dr. Subroto, Dr. Emil Salim, Drs. Frans Seda, and Drs. Radius Prawiro. All were pro-capitalism.
Who Was Suharto (3)
After World War II, US perceived Russia as the only side that banned their hegemony on the world. Thus, Marshall Plan was launched as an effort to cease the wider communism ambience, from East Asia to Southeast Asia—strategic regions seen in the subject of world trade and geopolitics, also rich of source and people. US was clearly worried if those districts empowered by Russia. Off those regions, Indonesia was the most strategic and richest. US deeply understood this situation, then no wonder if Indonesia was the only one nation named in the Marshall Plan .
Who Was Suharto (2)
Nasution was so furious that he intended to fire Suharto from the army and drag him to military court. But, on the pressure of Gatot Subroto, Suharto was released and finnaly sent to SSKAD (Sekolah Staf dan Komando Angkatan Darat)—alike military school. Except Nasution, Ahmad Yani was also mad about Suharto and then, he erased Suharto from the training candidate list in SSKAD. This emitted a vengeance in Suharto to Ahmad Yani. Moreover, Ahmad Yani was the golden boy of President Sukarno.
Pandora Box Named BLBI (1)
According to the Greek mythology, Pandora box is a box containing all men’s crime. If it is opened, it will reveal all the existing crime. This term was used by Dradjat Wibowo related to BLBI case. BLBI case or this KLBI was a crime done by elite politicians coordinated with protected robber businessmen, and they are defended by authority regime.
Who Was Suharto? (1)
November, 41 years ago, General Suharto who successfully accomplished a coup d‘etat of Bung Karno (Indonesian first president i.e. Sukarno), sent an economic team consist of Prof. Sadli, Prof. Soemitro Djoyohadikusumoh, and a number of post graduated Berkeley University economy professors—also called as ‘Berkeley Mafia—to Switzerland. They held a summit with a number of worldwide Jewish conglomerates led by Rockfeller.