Pandora Box Named BLBI (1)

According to the Greek mythology, Pandora box is a box containing all men’s crime. If it is opened, it will reveal all the existing crime. This term was used by Dradjat Wibowo related to BLBI case. BLBI case or this KLBI was a crime done by elite politicians coordinated with protected robber businessmen, and they are defended by authority regime.

Who Was Suharto? (1)

November, 41 years ago, General Suharto who successfully accomplished a coup d‘etat of Bung Karno (Indonesian first president i.e. Sukarno), sent an economic team consist of Prof. Sadli, Prof. Soemitro Djoyohadikusumoh, and a number of post graduated Berkeley University economy professors—also called as ‘Berkeley Mafia—to Switzerland. They held a summit with a number of worldwide Jewish conglomerates led by Rockfeller.